Legendary Haunt Tour News & Updates
More New Additions to the Legendary Haunt Tour 2015
Ed & Marsha Edmunds (Distortions Unlimited) Panel
Ed & Marsha Edmunds will host a panel highlighting scenes from their Travel Channel show “Making Monsters” in which they’re installing custom-built props and animatronics for nationally known attractions like Netherword and The 13th Floor, then discussing the experience with the owners of these attractions and fielding your questions.
These seminars are included in the weekend ticket price.
Saturday Afternoon Visit to Kosart Gallery’s Maleficium Dark Art Exhibition
Legendary Haunt Tour attendees will have the opportunity to visit the 5th Annual Maleficium Dark Art Exhibition at Anthony Kosar’s Kosart Gallery, just hours before it opens to the public, from noon to 1:00 pm on Saturday, November 14th. This unique show blends drawings and paintings by today’s top dark artists with the sculptural work of leading special effects artists. Full exhibition details at http://www.kosartgallery.com/2015-maleficium-dark-art-exhibition.html.
Please Note: You must RSVP for this event. Please use the form below to let us know that you are interested in attending; if we get enough submissions, we can rent a bus to take everybody to the gallery; if not, you’ll have to provide your own transportation. So if you want to go, let us know with the form HERE!
Just Added to the Legendary Haunt Tour 2015
Allen Hopps Seminars
Haunt industry legend Allen Hopps (Dark Hour Haunted House, Stiltbeast Studios, Haunt Dawgs) will be conducting 2 seminars at the Legendary Haunt Tour 2015 in Chicago:
Show-Building Character Class
What types of characters does your attraction need in order to tell your story successfully? How many acting styles are there that are useful to haunts? This hour long seminar will answer those questions. This seminar can really help you round out a cast of characters to make a show feel really complete. Groups of characters shake out in a certain way, there is always a leader- That role like the other 10 roles help move a story along. Use this class to tweak your show of characters into an instantly perceptible group. We will review the 11 group roles, and four different acting styles, and three character types.
Anti-Feng Shui
The Chinese have been developing the art of feng shui for thousands of years to make people feel more welcome, calm, and tranquil. I take the rules and laws they have painstakingly gathered and simply do them backwards to make guests feel as uncomfortable and tense as possible. This is a fun seminar with many specific example of how to use this technique in your attractions and sets.
These seminars are included in the weekend ticket price.
Lights On Tour of Statesville Haunted Prison
Scared, Inc. and Zombie Army Productions will be throwing open the prison doors and pulling back the curtains for a lights-on tour of Statesville Haunted Prison and City of the Dead Saturday night during the after-party.
Grab a FREE cocktail, take your time and wander the decrepit halls of these two attractions and enjoy the set finesse & scenic details at your own pace! There won’t be any organized groups or lines – just go in, wander around and enjoy the sights!
Great Room Escape Added to Legendary Haunt Tour 2015!
On Friday afternoon, November 13th, Legendary Haunt Tour attendees will have the opportunity to visit the Great Room Escape at the House of Torment Chicago in Morton Grove.
The Great Room Escape is a fully interactive and immerse experience unlike anything you have ever done before. No longer do you sit back and watch the show, now you are 100% part of it.
Have you ever watched a reality show and said, “I can do that” or gotten frustrated when the participants missed obvious things? Well this is your opportunity to show what you’ve got.
Up to 12 participants will enter a room, the question is whether they will make it out in the hour. Clues and riddles hidden throughout the room provide the tools to meet your objective. Every room is different and has different stories behind it. You can test your wit and your grace under pressure.
Work as a team and you just might make it, either way it will be the fastest and most intense hour you have ever experienced. As the clock ticks down and the pressure mounts, can you stay calm, can you escape?
The bus for this event will start loading at 10:30 am Friday morning and attendees will be divided into two groups. While one group visits the Great Room Escape, the other will have the opportunity to dine at one of Chicago’s most famous eateries, Giordano’s. The Legendary Haunt Tour will provide appetizers; attendees wanting to order a meal will have the opportunity to do so, but on their own dime.
The bus should arrive back at the hotel around 2:30 pm. Tickets are $40 per person (includes transportation, ticket to the Great Room Escape and appetizers at Giordano’s) and are available HERE.